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Nuño, Mac Gregor, De Buen. The expressiveness of the order

Nuño, Mac Gregor, De Buen. The expressiveness of the order

Nuño, Mac Gregor, De Buen. The expressiveness of the order


Hobregue, Jimena + Jóse Luis Sánchez, Maria Mazzanti
Arquine, 2018
SKU: S01048 

The expressiveness of order is the fundamental characteristic in the design process of the Mexican firm Nuño, Mac Gregor and De Buen. This book documents his career with over 30 years of collaborative work, highlighting his most important works, including buildings for education and culture, urban transport, or rooms and rooms. His practice has been characterized by having a comprehensive approach developed in a rigorous and consistent manner. The work of Nuño, Mac Gregor and De Buen demonstrates that there can be a balance between ethics and aesthetics in architecture since, in addition to caring for the design of their works, they contribute in a responsible manner to the creation of public space.

CL/288pp./ Spanish.English