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Picture Book

Picture Book

Picture Book


Charlot, Jean; Paul Claudel. Quarto

New York. 1933

Book ID: 98715

32 Original Color Lithographs, number 63/500 copies. signed by Charlot, Lynton R. Kistler (typesetter/printer) and Merle Armitage (designer). This copy also includes a loose Christmas card which is signed by Charlot, as well as Lewis Mumford's signature. It is inscribed by Charlot to the Catherine Bauer, the renowned Urban Planner. Charlot began his Picture Book with the idea not of "art for art," but rather art for the people. He was inspired by the tradition of the Images d'Epinal, Guadalupe Posadas, and penny sheets. He also saw the Picture Book as sharing in the Medieval and Renaissance tradition of the artist's studio source book. Thus, the Picture Book provides a complete repertory of the themes and motifs Charlot had employed in his art up to that point in his career. Dust jacket is cracked but mostly intact, the book is in good condition. English.

128 pp. Thirty-two original color lithographs drawn directly onto the plates by Charlot.