Perspecta 50: Urban Divides
Perspecta 50: Urban Divides
Ryan, Brent D.
Yale University Press 2017
SKU S00377
In texts, images, and studio projects, Perspecta 50 explores broad questions facing urbanism and architecture today, including the effect on urban housing of migration and the blurred boundaries between the formal and informal city. The contributors—architects, urbanists, and academics—identify and critique distinct urban typologies and architectural devices used globally to divide. Among the contributions are Dana Cuff’s essay on spatial politics in Los Angeles, Jenny Holzer’s reminiscence of guerilla art in the 1970s and 1980s, Gary McDonough’s investigation of “soft portals” in global Chinatowns, and Studio Gang’s vision of “Polis Station.” Perspecta 50 invites readers to question the inevitability and ubiquity of urban divides.
PB | 370 pp. | 9 x 12 in. | 54 color illus., 288 b&w illus.