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Optimistic yearbook 2010

Optimistic yearbook 2010

Optimistic yearbook 2010


Optimistic yearbook 2010

French Touch. 2010

Book ID: 90677

This fourth edition of the Optimistic Architecture Yearbook celebrates the output of the French architectural community in 2010. The collective French Touch's yearbook stands out from the rather staid collection of magazines and books on French architecture in its radical and optimistic viewpoint. This book brings together 47 projects chosen by members of French Touch. Projects by Atelier Du Pont, Agence Bernard BŸhler, BP architectures, Philippe Guyard architectures, Rudy Ricciotti, KOZ, TŽtrarc, K Architectures, RŽmy Marciano, Triptyque, Forma 6, Bernard Desmoulin and others.

French/English. Flexi.