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Log 30

Log 30

Log 30


Winter 2014

Pap. New York, 2013

Book ID: 96371

Log 30 showcases brilliant writing with a collection of articles that mine the canon of 20th-century architecture for new insights while also continuing the conversation from recent issues of Log on the state of architecture today. Published on the 100th anniversary of Le Corbusiers Maison Dom-ino, this winter 2014 issue features new analytical essays on that iconic project as well as the first English translations of letters written by Corbusier between 1914 and 1916. With these essays, plus an in-depth interview with OMA cofounder Elia Zenghelis, alongside reviews and other articles on topics like digitally designed form and the hashtag, Log 30 is at once archival and contemporary.

152 pp. B&W illus.