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Louise Bourgeois: Das Haus der Künstlerin

Louise Bourgeois: Das Haus der Künstlerin

Louise Bourgeois: Das Haus der Künstlerin


Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), daughter of a middle-class French family, went to New York in 1938 with her husband, the American art historian Robert Goldwater, where she lived and worked from then on, raised three sons and died at the age of almost 100. Famous worldwide for her installations and sculptures, she is highly revered as an icon of combative, "feminine" art. She kept an open house well into her old age, discussed with young artists in her library, gave interviews and also granted photo sessions to glossy magazines. She was 84 when the French photographer and art director Jean-François Jaussaud, a specialist in stylish interiors around the world that has featured in Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, the Times Magazine and many more. appear, called on her. She set a single condition: if she didn't like his pictures, she would destroy them. Jaussaud passed the test and was able to take photographs again and again for the next eleven years.