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Combinatory Urbanism: The Complex Behavior of Collective Form - Morphosis on Urban Planning

Combinatory Urbanism: The Complex Behavior of Collective Form - Morphosis on Urban Planning

Combinatory Urbanism: The Complex Behavior of Collective Form - Morphosis on Urban Planning


MORPHOSIS. Mayne, Thom. Flexi

Culver City, 2011

Book ID: 89182

Surveys 12 urban projects that range in scale from a 16-acre proposal for rebuilding the World Trade Center site after the 2001 terrorist attacks to a 52 thousand-acre redevelopment proposal for Post-Katrina New Orleans. This book and the proposals found within, posit an alternative to traditional end-state planning solutions, while attempting to not only illuminate but also explicate Mayne's own work and critical processes. 

448 pp., color illus