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C3 293 SITU Studio

C3 293 SITU Studio

C3 293 SITU Studio


SITU C3 293 SITU Studio

C3. 2009

Book ID: 82783

Drawing three different themes together in this number, C3 begins with a survey of seven renovations/restorations of former castles, including AFF architektenÕs Archive Building in ÔSchloss FreudensteinÕ, Freiberg and the Moritzburg Museum Extension by Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos. Secondly, five recent community markets located within urban spaces are reviewed including the Be?ikta? Fish Market Istanbul, the renewed BarcelonetaÕs Market, Barcelona and Sarugaku, Tokyo. Thirdly, ten works and projects by SITU Studio, an unconventional, New York based group, that focus on the experimental uses and applications of technology, material and construction methods are examined. All works and projects are accompanied by texts, technical drawings and photographs.

184 pp., B&W & Color llus. English/Korean Pap.