Penna, J.O. de Meira + Costa, Lucio + Niemeyer, Oscar.
Brasilia (Information/Report/About The Architect Brochure).
Divisao Cultural, Ministerio das Relacoes Exteriores, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, c1960's.
Discusses the rationale behind this new capital city in the Central highlands of Brasil.
- Brazil builds a new capital - by J.O. de Meira Penna
- Report of the Pilote Plan for Brazilia - by Lucio Costa
- About my work - by Oscar Neimeyer
In French / English / Spanish.
Paperback, Saddle stappled, B&W illus., Color & B&W photos, 2 Transparent overlays, 32 pages, 8 1/4" x 8 1/4". In Very Good condition with general shelf wear.
SKU: E0218.