Appetizer: New Interiors for Restaurants and Cafés
Appetizer: New Interiors for Restaurants and Cafés
Gestalten, eds.
Gestalten, 2017
SKU S00583
Pastel colors, hyper-realistic murals, indoor jungles, curved and luxurious couches, golden accents, and soft light. Designers, architects and restaurateurs transform a night out at a restaurant into a unique and memorable experience. An array of interiors creatively correspond with each particular menu’s offerings: flower shops that serve coffee amongst the blooms; art galleries that mix the best cocktails in town; shoe boutiques that double as dessert bars. Appetizer visits fashionable bars, tasteful eateries, cozy cafes, and everything in between.
HB stitch-bound / 24 × 30 cm / 272pp. / full color / English