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A+U 12:04 #499 - Feature: Small and Sustainability

A+U 12:04 #499 - Feature: Small and Sustainability

A+U 12:04 #499 - Feature: Small and Sustainability


Yoshida, Nobuyuki A+U 12:04 #499 - Feature: Small and Sustainability A+U 2012 91945 This issue features simple and small examples of how architecture can contribute to realizing the sustainable society of the future. Works by: Aires Mateus, AFF Architekten, TYIN tegnestue Architects, Christian Pottgiesser Architecturespossibles, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, EM2 Architekten, Yes Architects, Spaceshop Architekten, Virginia Tech, and many more. 128 pp. English/Japanese. Pap.