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posters + ephemera

Drawings for Architectural Ornament by George Grant Elmslie 1902-1936 (Ephemera)
Drawings for Architectural Ornament by George Grant Elmslie 1902-1936 (Ephemera)
Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture, 3rd edition
Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture, 3rd edition
Giambattista Piranesi - Die Tempelruinen Von Paestum: Faksimile-Neudruck der Ausgabe Rom 1778 (20 Plates) (Ephemera)
Giambattista Piranesi - Die Tempelruinen Von Paestum: Faksimile-Neudruck der Ausgabe Rom 1778 (20 Plates) (Ephemera)
Mies van der Rohe - Convention Hall (Poster)
Mies van der Rohe - Convention Hall (Poster)
Le Corbusier - Projets Realises 1905 - 1968
no text [Peace between Nations] (poster)
no text [Peace between Nations] (poster)
Philip Johnson AT&T Building
Philip Johnson AT&T Building
People's Park . . . Berkeley, California (Pamphlet - Circa 1969) (Ephemera)
People's Park . . . Berkeley, California (Pamphlet - Circa 1969) (Ephemera)
Transparent Cities - By Brian McGrath (Ephemera)
Transparent Cities - By Brian McGrath (Ephemera)
Michael Heizer - Fourcade, Droll Inc. Nevada New York 1972-1975 (Poster)
Michael Heizer - Fourcade, Droll Inc. Nevada New York 1972-1975 (Poster)
1986 Norman Foster Poster
1986 Norman Foster Poster
Once upon a time there was an Art Director
Once upon a time there was an Art Director
Holdouts! - by Andrew Alpern and Seymour Durst (Ephemera)
Holdouts! - by Andrew Alpern and Seymour Durst (Ephemera)
Die Form: Zeitschrift Fur Gestaltende Arbeit (The Form: Magazine For Creative Work) (Berlin, Germany, July 1931) (Ephemera)
Die Form: Zeitschrift Fur Gestaltende Arbeit (The Form: Magazine For Creative Work) (Berlin, Germany, July 1931) (Ephemera)
Die Form: Zeitschrift Fur Gestaltende Arbeit (The Form: Magazine For Creative Work) (Berlin, Germany, June 1931) (Ephemera)
Die Form: Zeitschrift Fur Gestaltende Arbeit (The Form: Magazine For Creative Work) (Berlin, Germany, June 1931) (Ephemera)
Stanley Tools - Carpenters' And Mechanics' Tools (Catalogue No. 120 - 1923) (Ephemera)
Stanley Tools - Carpenters' And Mechanics' Tools (Catalogue No. 120 - 1923) (Ephemera)
IR.J.P. Fokker - Het Eigen Huis (Country Houses, Villas, Single Family Houses) (Ephemera)
IR.J.P. Fokker - Het Eigen Huis (Country Houses, Villas, Single Family Houses) (Ephemera)
Architectural Forum April 1960 - San Francisco Issue (Ephemera)
Architectural Forum April 1960 - San Francisco Issue (Ephemera)
International Exhibition of Metalwork and Cotton Textiles (1930) (Art Deco) (Ephemera)
International Exhibition of Metalwork and Cotton Textiles (1930) (Art Deco) (Ephemera)
Modernism Rediscovered by Pierluigi Serraino & Julius Shulman (Signed by the Authors) (Ephemera)
Modernism Rediscovered by Pierluigi Serraino & Julius Shulman (Signed by the Authors) (Ephemera)
Joseph M. Olbrich - Individual Plates -  From Architektur von Olbrich, Serie III, 1901-14 (Ephemera)
Joseph M. Olbrich - Individual Plates - From Architektur von Olbrich, Serie III, 1901-14 (Ephemera)
Neil M. Denari - COR-TEX 17559 - Godzero: Cosmos Mechanicool (Poster)
Neil M. Denari - COR-TEX 17559 - Godzero: Cosmos Mechanicool (Poster)
Mark Mack - A Workshop: The Primitive Hut (Poster)
Mark Mack - A Workshop: The Primitive Hut (Poster)
Peter Zumthor - Works - Buildings And Projects 1979-1997 (Poster)
Peter Zumthor - Works - Buildings And Projects 1979-1997 (Poster)
Alexander Weyger  - # 4 - San Francisco’s Future (Poster)
Alexander Weyger - # 4 - San Francisco’s Future (Poster)