HOLL, Steven, Juhani Pallasmaa, and Alberto Perez-Gomez.
Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture, 3rd edition.
A+U & William Stout Publishers, 2006.
This is the third printing of the classic A+U 1994 special edition of Questions Of Perception, covering the work of Holl, Pallasmaa, and, Perez-Gomez. Their three individual essays presented in the book, are thematically linked; each one tries to explain the role man's perception plays in architecture and also explores phenomenal accounts. In their original introduction, the authors write: "The endless cultural limitations and contradictions inherent in artistic work, revealed with impeccable clarity and logic by the critics' deconstructive theory, are ultimately of limited use for the generation of architecture. The architect must take a position, one that necessarily has ethical consequences, and for which words, a theoretical discourse is nevertheless indispensable. The architect's work exists silently, in the public realm, and is therefore, unavoidable, an affirmation. This is perhaps a dilemma, one that makes architectural practice in the late twentieth century difficult, yet fascinating." In English.
Paperback, color and B&W illus., 160 pages, 9 1/2" x 7 1/8". Very Good condition.
SKU: E0069.