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Arquitectura Viva 196: Senior Housing

Arquitectura Viva 196: Senior Housing

Arquitectura Viva 196: Senior Housing


Avisa Madrid 2017
Book ID: S00098

Consumerist society has made old age invisible, but our elders are demanding decent habitats and there are more and more proposals for ways to address their needs, from the adapted house to collective residences through assisted living. Here are six examples in different parts of the world, amongst others: the care home in Aldeamayor de San Martín (Spain) by Óscar M. Ares, the house for older couples in Alcabideche (Portugal) by Huedes Cruz, the nursing home in Graz (Austria) by Dietger Wissounig Architekten, the care home in Wingene (Belgium) by Sergison Bates, which reinterprets traditional materials, and the nursing care dwelling in Ike (Japan) by Issei Suma.

80 pp., Pap. Spanish/English.