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History & Theory

Age of Anxiety
Oppositions - Journal For Ideas And Criticism In Architecture (Single Issues) (Ephemera)
Oppositions - Journal For Ideas And Criticism In Architecture (Single Issues) (Ephemera)
$20.00 - $150.00
Salvaging Buildings Reclaiming a Livelihood from the Excesses of Istanbul's Mass Urbanization
Salvaging Buildings Reclaiming a Livelihood from the Excesses of Istanbul's Mass Urbanization
People, Planet, Design: A Practical Guide to Realizing Architecture’s Potential
People, Planet, Design: A Practical Guide to Realizing Architecture’s Potential
Charles Baillargé: Architect & Engineer
Passing Images: Art in the Post-Digital Age
Large Housing Estates under Socialism: Experiences and Perspectives on Sustainable Development of Mass Housing Districts
Large Housing Estates under Socialism: Experiences and Perspectives on Sustainable Development of Mass Housing Districts
Drawing and Experiencing Architecture: The Evolving Significance of City's Inhabitants in the 20th Century
Drawing and Experiencing Architecture: The Evolving Significance of City's Inhabitants in the 20th Century
Oswald Mathias Ungers and Rem Koolhaas: Recalibrating Architecture in the 1970s
Oswald Mathias Ungers and Rem Koolhaas: Recalibrating Architecture in the 1970s
Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism: An Introduction
Metaphors in Architecture and Urbanism: An Introduction
Chambers for A Memory Palace
Chambers for A Memory Palace
Death and Life of Great American Cities
Death and Life of Great American Cities
Learning from Las Vegas, Revised Edition
Learning from Las Vegas, Revised Edition
Japan-ness in Architecture
Japan-ness in Architecture
Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography
Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography
Unjustified Texts
Unjustified Texts
Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University
Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University
The Rare Art Traditions: The History of Art Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena
The Rare Art Traditions: The History of Art Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena
The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses
The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses
The Eternal Present, Volume I: The Beginnings of Art
The Eternal Present, Volume I: The Beginnings of Art
Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning
Modern Architecture and Climate: Design before Air Conditioning
Designing San Francisco: Art, Land, and Urban Renewal in the City by the Bay
Designing San Francisco: Art, Land, and Urban Renewal in the City by the Bay
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses
The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses
Ugliness and Judgment: On Architecture in the Public Eye
Ugliness and Judgment: On Architecture in the Public Eye
A City Is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences
A City Is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences