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The New Designer: Design as a Profession

The New Designer: Design as a Profession

The New Designer: Design as a Profession


Regina et al. | Leipzig, Germany | Spector Books, 2024 | Softbound | 4.25 x 5.75 in. | 200 pp | Color illustrations

This book explores the emergence of the artist and designer profession after the First World War and the further development of this career in close proximity to capitalist industrial production. The book features articles on teaching models pioneered by schools like the Design Laboratory, New York (the first comprehensive school of modernist design in the United States that was open to general enrollment); the School of Arts and Crafts (Škola umeleckých remesiel), Bratislava; the Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm), Germany; and Industrial Design College (Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial), Rio de Janeiro.
These texts are accompanied by essays and conversations on design pedagogy’s politics, practices and self-understanding. This book is part of the Schools of Departure series, jointly published with a digital atlas that aggregates research on the global interconnections of Bauhaus pedagogy with reform projects in art and design education in the 20th century.

Edited with text by Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus, Philipp Sack, Catherine Nichols. Text by Yaa Addae, Claudia Banz, Regina Bittner, Shannan Clark, Alison J. Clarke, et al.
