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Perspectives on Architectural Design Research

Perspectives on Architectural Design Research

Perspectives on Architectural Design Research


Moloney, Jules & Jan Smitheram, Simon Twose. Perspectives on Architectural Design Research

Pap. AADR 2015

Book ID: 99105

Perspectives on Architectural Design Research is an exciting collection of short essays, projects and edited transcripts that offers current perspectives on design research in architecture and aligned disciplines. Contributors include international figures Donald L. Bates, Richard Blythe, Nat Chard, Murray Fraser, Dorita Hannah, Jonathan Hill and Vivian Mitsogianni. What emerges from the multiple perspectives is that contemporary design research Ð transdisciplinary, multi-scalar and concerning place, people, space and time Ð provides a collective and subtle mechanism that is propositional and transformative. The shared optimism of the contributors is that this propositional mode of research can be of catalytic value for contemporary culture and society.

208pp. English