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Arquitectura Viva 175: Expo Milano 2015.

Arquitectura Viva 175: Expo Milano 2015.

Arquitectura Viva 175: Expo Milano 2015.


Arquitectura Viva 175: Expo Milano 2015. Arquitectura Viva. 2015 98881 ÒFeeding the Planet, Energy for LifeÓ is the theme of this yearÕs Universal Exposition in Milan. On display are 55 national and 41 thematic pavilions, which each contribute to an expression of the fairÕs highly topical and urgent programme. This issue takes stock of Expo Milano 2015 through two in-depth articles mapping the cityÕs urban transformation in the last decade and describing the ExpoÕs constructions, followed by a full and detailed feature of each of twelve selected pavilions. Among these are the pavilions by France, Italy, Austria, Brazil, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, and China, plus the tranquil Slow Food Pavilion, arranged around a triangular courtyard. 80 pp. Spanish/English. Pap.