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The Underground Cities of Cleopatro Cobianchi: Architecture and Personal Hygiene Between the Wars

The Underground Cities of Cleopatro Cobianchi: Architecture and Personal Hygiene Between the Wars

The Underground Cities of Cleopatro Cobianchi: Architecture and Personal Hygiene Between the Wars


COBIANCHI. Prosperini, Chiara

Pap. Pisa, 2003

Book ID: 65836

Well-illustrated volume on the "alberghi diurni", underground public baths, of Cleopatra Cobianchi, which he imported to Italy from London at the turn of the 20th century. Embellished by the Liberty style, these facilities combined "care of the body" with "care of the spirit," raising a people from the privations of war and elevating the "diurni" to the same level of importance as the baths had in ancient Rome. English / Italian.

123 pp., color, B&W illus.