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Species of Spaces 1974 - An Accommodation of Retained and Forgotten Locations

Species of Spaces 1974 - An Accommodation of Retained and Forgotten Locations

Species of Spaces 1974 - An Accommodation of Retained and Forgotten Locations


Kristina Bength and Cecilia Darle, eds.
Arvinius + Orfeus Publishing, 2016
SKU 101354

Georges Perec was a French novelist, film-maker, documentalist, and essayist, and also a member of the Oulipo group. Perecs Species of Space is a constellation of texts published in 1974 that investigates different spaces. Its primary focus is the order and system in which the texts are organised. This inventory is the theme of this book, which consists of essay contributions by nine artists, including Mohamed Camara and Kristina Jansson. Initiated by artists Cecilia Darle and Kristina Bength, the project also manifests in an exhibition. Their point of departure is Perecs writings, in which limitations and rules become a working method that hints at an autobiographical latency.

PB / 148 pp. / Swedish/English