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Ingleside Terraces: San Francisco Racetrack to Residence Park

Ingleside Terraces: San Francisco Racetrack to Residence Park

Ingleside Terraces: San Francisco Racetrack to Residence Park


LaBounty, Woody. Ingleside Terraces: San Francisco Racetrack to Residence Park

Cl. Outside Lands Media. 2012

Book ID: 93135

A giant sundial dedicated by fairies, bookies, horse-breeding capitalists, some of the state's first automobile races (and crashes), and a city official who discovered a cross burned on his front lawn are all part of the story of Ingleside Terraces, a unique San Francisco "residence park" with a racetrack past. In this new, richly illustrated, 160-page hardcover book Woody LaBounty again unearths colorful, complex, and fascinating stories beneath the quiet streets of a San Francisco neighborhood.

160 pp.