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Gli spazi in sequenza di Luigi Moretti

Gli spazi in sequenza di Luigi Moretti

Gli spazi in sequenza di Luigi Moretti


MORETTI. Spinelli, Luigi. Gli spazi in sequenza di Luigi Moretti

Pap. LetteraVentidue Edizioni 2012

Book ID: 94210

After the bombing of Milan on 15 August 1943, the goal of those who work in the city in the years immediately following the war is to rebuild, maneuvering between the rules and regulations of stories variously interpreted. It is in this context that appears on the architectural scene Luigi Moretti who, after a short stop in prison for political reasons, founded in 1945 with the Count Antonio Fossataro Cofimprese the Company, and the City of Milan offers a program for twenty-two apartment hotels, a innovative type that will see the construction of only three examples. Defined by Anna Maria Ortese "the pyramids of Milan", the hotel houses will feed into the debate on the presence of tall buildings within the urban landscape. The subsequent realization of a real city fragment of course Italy reaffirms the modernity of the search space of the Roman architect and suggests readings similar to film sequences.

64 pp. Italian