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I Listen to the Wind that Obliterates My Traces: Music in Vernacular Photographs 1880-1955

I Listen to the Wind that Obliterates My Traces: Music in Vernacular Photographs 1880-1955

I Listen to the Wind that Obliterates My Traces: Music in Vernacular Photographs 1880-1955


Roden, Steve.

SKU 89269

Dust to Digital 2011

Music is as self-reflexive as any of the arts, even if its generally greater power to transport sometimes deceives us into thinking otherwise. Dust-to-Digital's marvelously titled I Listen to the Wind That Obliterates My Traces compiles music, photographs and literary excerpts that reflect on or present music itself as subject matter, from the earliest days of the phonograph.

non paginated May b/w photos/with half tones.