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Home By Dekleva Gregoric Architects

Home By Dekleva Gregoric Architects

Home By Dekleva Gregoric Architects


DEKLEVA GREGORY. Dekleva, Aljosa + Tina Gregoric
Publisher Mao Museum Architecture and De 2018
SKU: S01473

Dekleva Gregorič Architects operates on the disruptive edges of architectural profession with a continuous quest to integrate design tasks and self-initiated participatory strategies to creatively challenge current social and spatial concerns. This book illustrates a series of distinct buildings and projects, allegedly belonging to the realm of individual dwelling, created over a decade of practice. Presented in a comprehensive and comparative mode, the projects span diverse climates and localities, where each is a particular response to the context addressing various notions of home. The individual houses are objects of experiment, interfaces between nature and humans.

PB/ 306pp.